July 27, 2024



International Patent – Prof. Ragel V.

12 min read


Voldemar Ragel Method –

The way of human electrotherapy.

The invention relates to physical therapy and is intended for human electrotherapy. An effect on the skin over the fire damage by direct current to no more than the threshold of acute pain, with electrodes applied to the body. Before the impact of current electrodes are shorted by controlled variable resistor connected in series with a constant current source, set the short-circuit current in the range of 10-60 microampere. The positive electrode is applied to the oral mucosa, the negative electrode of a point – to the skin in the area of the lesion in most of the pain sensation. The initial current value is set in the range between the thresholds of sensations and acute pain, which is determined by polling and sensor reactions of patient. By decreasing sensory acuity of the patient the direct current is gradually increased to 300-600 microampere not exceeding the threshold of acute pain and they act at this point for 0.5-1.5 minutes and then similarly exposed to the other point in the lesion zone. The method allows to achieve the restoration of tissue trophics in exposure zone, does not cause intense pain, helps to relieve pain.


The present invention relates to electrotherapy and can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the organism in the treatment of various pathological conditions and diseases.

There is a method of electrotherapy by finding biologically active skin points having high conductivity and the impact of direct electric current using the voltage source with not more than 8 volts (see a.s. № 304957, cl. A61 N1/20).

There is a method of effecting on biologically active points by the constant current of opposite polarity, which is carried out before the current alignment of the absolute values ​​of the positive and negative polarity (see a.s. № 764678, cl. A61 N39/00).

A method of electrotherapy by exposure to biologically active points of the electric current with simultaneous introduction of these points drug substances by loading electrode with current from 50 to 500 microamperes (see a.s. № 460648, cl. A61 N1/18).

All methods of influence on biologically active points are connected with the problem of identifying and locating such points that require special training of medical staff. In addition, all methods of influence on biologically active points for the most part result in the treatment of pain, but do not cure the patient, especially they do not always heal chronic diseases.

There are known methods of electrotherapy, not related to the impact on the biologically active points, but being the impact of the direct current with the help of (usually) flat electrodes on certain parts of the body. For example, there is known a method of treating inflammatory and suppurative pulmonary diseases by effecting with the direct current on area of the excitation focus, and to improve the treatment efficiency at the same time drugs are injected into the pulmonary artery (see a.s. № 602190, cl. A61 N1/20).

There is a way of treating cerebral arterial aneurysms by exposure 0.5-2.5 mA constant current for 1-3 hours on head, and, determining the effectiveness of treatment is the place of set of the electrodes – they are led to the outer wall of the aneurysm (see a.s. № 610531, cl. A61 N1/20).

There is a way of effect on the central nervous system in the forehead and neck under the mastoid pulsed of currents combination with an additional constant component without exceeding the threshold sensations of the patient under the electrodes. At first the exposure is started by one current source to the left hemisphere, and at the moment of reduce of impedance to its effects another current source of the right hemisphere is added, and the current value in the right hemisphere is set 2-2.5 times more than the current in the left hemisphere (see a.s. № 904720, cl. A61 N1/34). This method is used for pain relief in childbirth.

The prototype of the proposed method is a method of treating inflammatory and suppurative lung disease by affecting with direct current on area of the lesion projection with simultaneous injection of drugs in the pulmonary artery (see a.s. № 602190, cl. A61 N1/20).

The disadvantage of the prototype is the limit of its application, as well as its low efficiency in the refusal from medical treatment.

The aim of the invention is getting a more stable clinical effect and increase the number of treatable diseases by providing opportunities to influence organs or parts of body. This goal is achieved by effecting on the skin lesion direct current  of the value that does not exceed the threshold of acute pain, with electrodes applied to the body, to improve the effectiveness of treatment and increase the number of cures of diseases amenable to the effects of short-circuit current of the electrodes, adjusting the variable resistor connected in series with a constant current source, the short-circuit current in the range of 10-60 mA is set, the positive electrode is applied to the mucous membrane of the mouth, the negative electrode of a point – to the skin in the area of the lesion , the initial value of the current is set in the range between the thresholds of sensation and acute pain sensations, which is defined as a survey and the sensory reactions of the patient, with a decrease in sensory acuity of the patient the current is gradually increased to 300-600 mA, without exceeding the threshold of acute pain, and affect with it at this point for 0.5-1,5 minutes, then similarly act on another point in the lesion area. .

In case of loss of sensitivity in the area of the lesion firstly on the surrounding areas are effected, which had not lost their sensitivity, thus narrowing and eliminating the zone, which had lost its sensitivity, which is affected after the restoration of its sensitivity.

Cause-and- effect relationship between the new set of features and positive effect is: as the positive electrode is applied to the oral mucosa, which is electrically connected with the mucous membranes of the body with blood vessels and nerve tissues (and all of them are good conductors), it allows to have an impact by a negative point electrode on any area of the body, as the nearest blood to this area vessels and nerve tissues are at the potential of the negative pole of the current source. In addition, point impact by a negative electrode enables to increase the current density effect starting with the smallest capillaries and nerve tissue, which helps to restore the nervous and circulatory systems in full, including all their smallest branches. The choice of the current within boundaries of sense and acute pain and gradual increase of the current in alleviating sensory acuity toward the pain threshold increases efficiency and reduces the duration of treatment. Thus, the proposed combination of features provides the achievement of the goal. It should be noted that according to this method the exposure to the biologically active point is useless because all of the current will go in this case through a channel having smaller resistance, and there will be no effect on microtubules and nerve fibers. The fact of recovery of the nervous and circulatory systems is confirmed by the present method of electrotherapy in that area where there local heating effects and redness of tissue are, indicating enhanced blood supply and metabolism in the affected area.

From the mentioned characteristics are known: application of a point electrode to the skin on a biologically active point in the methods of electro-puncture, direct current transmission at the same place (see, for example, a.s. № 764 678, cl. A61 N39/00).

There is also known a sign: the current value does not exceed the threshold of sensitivity (a.s. № 394049, cl. A61 N39/00). There are known limits of current from 8 to 40 mA (ibid.).

However, neither the applicant nor the author does not know a sign: «The positive electrode is applied to the oral mucosa». The sign «Short-circuit current in the range of 10-60 mA is established» is also not known. As clinical practice has shown for any other application of the positive electrode other than the mouth, it is not always possible to obtain a current flowing through the lesion. In addition, practice has shown that in this case, the required electrical conductivity of tissue is not established immediately and is gradually increasing. Ignorance of this fact may impede the effective use of the method.

It is these features that allow locally restore normal trophics of tissue and liquidate by processing of a certain area of the skin lesion focus. This does not exclude the effects on the central nervous system.

The limits of originally selected exposure current of 10-60 mA are also selected as a result of the clinical practice. Current of 10 mA does not cause pain even in a weakened patient. For a healthy person, for example in the treatment of trauma in athletes, this current can be increased up to 60 mA. The large value of current can injure the psyche of the patient. With increasing of current conductivity of tissue current can be increased to 600 mA. Further increase of current is inexpedient because except ascending pain, other effects, such as reducing the duration of the procedure, is not observed.

Recovery of functions of the nervous and circulatory systems and as a result treatment of numerous diseases, such as osteochondrosis, is realized as follows. After careful examination of the patient, including blood pressure measurement, spine lesions are defined by palpation. If the patient’s blood pressure is not lower than 110 /60, the procedure is started. First of all electrodes are shorted between each other and short-circuit current of 10-60 mA is set by regulation of variable register. The positive electrode is applied to the oral mucosa, and the negative point electrode to specific points on the skin lesions. By moving the point of application of the negative electrode along the spine, a place of the most pain sensation is found. In severe pains the current amount is reduced to a tolerable feeling and kept to the point of extinction of pain. Thereafter, the current is gradually increased. If the feelings do not allow to significantly increase the current, you go to the impact on other points. As a result of such exposure it is possible to go back to the original point, acting on with a higher current. Thus the value is gradually adjusted to 300-600 mA, which affect many points during a total of about 1 hour (at the same point from a few seconds up to 1.5 minutes).

Such procedures are performed daily for 10 days, and then, on the basis of the dynamics of recovery the multiplicity of procedures is reduced (every other day, 2 days, etc.)

The author has successfully applied the way to restore the functions of the nervous and circulatory systems in the treatment of:

  1. Severe sports injuries, sprains of muscles, ligaments;
  2. Arthritic joints;
  3. Polyarthritis;
  4. Osteochondrosis;
  5. Complex radiculites;
  6. Obliterating endo-arthritis;
  7. Spine spondiliosis;
  8. Antritis;
  9. Circulatory disorders;
  10. All kinds of mineral deposits;
  11. Disorders of the respiratory system (dark patch in lungs, asthma phenomenon);
  12. All kinds of anemia, atrophy, neuralgia.

The examples of the specific implementation of the method. The patient M., born in 1929, out-patient card № 33743 98, observed at a health center of medical unit № 3 of Baltic factory since 1966. Since 1976 has been suffering from osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar spine with radicular syndromes and peripheral angio-distonic syndroms of upper extremities. According to the medical card exacerbation of the disease was registered in 1976 and 1980. After a course of electrotherapy in the way, proposed by V.D. Ragel (initial current of 20 mA, final current – 400 mA), from the end of 1980 to the present day had no sick-list for this disease. The certificate from MU №3 signed by the chief physician.

The patient A., born in 1932, out-patient card № 3767-22. He suffers from chronic sciatica with exacerbations of the disease in 1976 were in 1976 , 1977 and 1979 . Radiologically diagnosed deforming spondylosis and lumbar osteochondrosis . In 1980, the two had an exacerbation of the disease: from 24.09 . to 31.10 . He was treated at the outpatient and inpatient neurologist at the hospital plant with 10.10 . at 22.10 . From 19.12 . on 31/12/80 , the outpatients treated by a neurologist ( physical therapy , injections reopirin , vitamin ‘B’ , LFC ) . After treatment by the method of electrotherapy V.D.Ragelya ( initial current of 20 mA , the end – 500 mA ) at the beginning of 1981 to the present exacerbations registered. Help NFM number 3 signed by the chief physician.

Patient M. , born in 1927 , out-patient card № 10828-26. Since 1956, suffers from chronic sciatica . Radiographically detected phenomena deforming spondylosis and lumbar degenerative disc disease . Exacerbation of the disease – every year . He was treated outpatients and annually – sanatorium treatment . During an exacerbation in November 1981, was treated by the method of electrotherapy V.D.Ragelya . Exacerbation of disease during this period did not.

Patient A. , born in 1928 , out-patient card № 33841-70. Since 1977, suffers from chronic sciatica . Radiography of the lumbosacral without pathology. Exacerbation of the disease in 1977, 25.01 by 19.02 . He was treated by a neurologist outpatient clinics ( analgin , vitamin ‘B’ in injections , massage, physical therapy ) . In 1978, with the aggravation of 10.05 . at 25.05 . , was treated in hospital inpatient plant, and then an outpatient at 02.06 . Applied physical therapy, massage, procaine blockade , analgesics, physical therapy . In the words of the patient at the same time, he has treated by the method of electrotherapy V.D.Ragelya ( initial current 15 mA , the end – 500 uA) . In the future exacerbations registered. Help NFM number 3 signed by the chief physician.

Patient M., born in 1940 , under the supervision of clinic number 53 Vasileostrovsky district since 1976 for chronic sciatica . The x-ray of the lumbosacral spine of the phenomena of 12/05/78 deforming spondylosis with marginal bone growths tel 4-5 . According to medical card patient reported acute sciatica in 1976 , 77 , 78 , 80 years. In 1978 – a spa treatment at the resort Khilovo . In November 1980 underwent a course of treatment by the method of electrotherapy V.D.Ragelya ( 20uA quiescent current , the end – 500 uA) . Since 1980, acute sciatica was not. Help city hospital number 53 , signed by the head physician .

Patient B. , residing at 14 line VO, 11/88 , Apt. 3 , addressed to the clinic number 4 hospital № 1. Lenin for sinusitis in June 1982 and in January 1983 Given the fluid level in the maxillary sinus was proposed last puncture , but the patient did not show up once , another time refused. In March 1983, was treated by the method of electrotherapy V.D.Ragelya ( 10uA quiescent current , the end – 300 uA. Currently, there are no complaints . Fluorography sinuses number 31 of 10/04/83 with no significant pathology. Clinic for help signature of the deputy. chief physician of the city hospital № 1. Lenin on the clinic number 4 .

Now cured and continue their normal working life for many years former patients working at the Baltic Shipyard : turner Syrokvash AG – Low back pain, sciatica , obliterating endoartrit . Production master Fedotov – shoulder joint arthritis , muscle atrophy hands, asthmatic conditions . Crane operator Levitskaya LA – Sciatica , arthritis of the hip with the accompanying pain in his leg. Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR , deputy. plant manager Antoniuc AI – Arthritis of the hip , leg numbness and atrophy . The painter Alymov MG – Sciatica , arthritis of the hip. Engineer Portnyanskaya GP – Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine , sciatica , obliterating endoartrit . Locksmith AA Sokolov – Artroparicheskaya form psariaza . Deputy. plant director Vladimir Zolotov – Salt deposits . The driver Nikitin AA – Low back pain , arthritis, shoulder joints , numbness in hands . Chairman of the collective physical plant Ragel VD – Bronhometiaz , sciatica , numbness in the hands , sports injuries shoulder joint . Loader Isaev – Arthritis of the knee. Department heads : Lomovtsev YI – Traumatic arthritis right knee joint and ankle joint arthritis . Shalnov NF – Atherosclerosis vascular headaches , low back pain , cervical and thoracic regions , arthritis, elbow and knee joints. Deputy. AL chief designer Belov – Low back pain with radicular pain . Head.

The results of recovery are extremely stable, was 6-8 years after treatment, no recurrence of the disease and adverse effects. The method is easy to use, very cheap, it can be used in any environment where there is zero temperature , in a hospital, clinic, train, plane, car , cottage , etc.

Compared with the prior art the inventive method can successfully treat many of the disease , compared with the method of exposure to biologically active points , such as AS Number 460648 inventive method allows us not only to remove the pain, but also successfully launched and treat chronic diseases .


  1. Electrotherapy Method human, which act on the skin over the lesion constant current value not exceeding the threshold of acute pain by electrodes applied to the body , characterized in that prior to exposure to shock electrodes shorted , adjustment of the variable resistor connected in series with a DC current set short-circuit current in the range of 10-60 mA , the positive electrode is applied to the oral mucosa , the negative electrode of a point – to the skin in the area of the lesion in the greatest pain, the initial value of the current set in the range between the thresholds of sensation and acute pain , polling and which define the sensory reactions patient at least alleviate the patient’s sensation is gradually increased to 300-600 mA current not exceeding the threshold of acute pain and they act at this point for 0.5-1.5 minutes, after which likewise act on another point in the lesion area .

2 . A method according to claim 1 , characterized in that in case of loss of sensitivity in the first area of the lesion affecting the surrounding areas not lost sensitivity , and thereby eliminate the narrow zone has lost sensitivity to be treated after the restoration of sensitivity.

Международный патент на Открытие: Метод Вольдемара Рагеля  лечение болезней человека собственными  стволовыми клетками без трансплантации.

Опубликован, 24 декабря 2013 года.
Автор открытия: Профессор  Вольдемар Доминикович Рагель , Гранд-Доктор Философии в области «Биомедицинская и медицинская техника», Гранд-Доктор Философии в области альтернативной медицины и целительства»  «Метод Вольдемара Рагеля лечение болезней человека собственными стволовыми клетками без трансплантации»,  Санкт-Петербург -199226, Россия
Дата и место рождения: 27 сентября 1932 года, Даугавпильский район , Латвия.
Место жительства: Российская Федерация, Санкт-Петербург
Изобретение относится к области Медицины: Биология,  Медицинская техника и Альтернативная Медицина.
Дата открытия: 15 Мая 1960 года.

                           Описание открытия:   Изобретение относится к медицине и медицинской технике для воздействия постоянным электрическим током на организм человека. Сущность изобретения, положительный электрод размещается на слизистой оболочке ротовой полости пациента, игольчатым отрицательным электродом воздействуют на кожную проекцию очага поражения пациента напряжением от 2,5 до 36 вольт, сила тока до 600 мкА.                                                                                                                           Цель изобретения лечение болезней, не поддающихся лечению современными методиками.  Современная медицина по лечению болезней широко использует стволовые клетки путем трансплантации. Клетки берутся у  больного, у донора, либо их искусственно выращивают. Процедура  связана сложностями. Найти абсолютно здорового человека, который может стать донором костного мозга – задача сложная, процедура болезненная, выполняется под общим наркозом.

Извлеченные, обработанные в лабораторных условиях стволовые клетки, снова введенные в больной организм, сталкиваются с рядом осложнений.  К тому же процедура дорогая, не надежная. Бывают отторжения, приводящие к летальному исходу больного.   При введении стволовых клеток в больной организм идет борьба «трансплант против хозяина», старый костный мозг сопротивляется, сопротивления подавляются химий, лучевой терапией, либо противораковыми препаратами, шансы на выживание  около 42%. Кроме того, процедура многим не по карману или недоступна из-за отсутствия трансплантируемого материала.

 Вместо выше указанных процедур, имеющие тяжелые последствия со смертельным исходом пациента, большими  финансовыми затратами, автор разработал простой, дешевый, доступный,  безопасный, не требующий больших капиталовложений метод, когда больной сам становится собственным донором, лечит себя своими же собственными стволовыми клетками без трансплантации.                                                                                                                                                         Для обеспечения процесса лечения собственными стволовыми клеток надо создать условия:                                                                                                                                                                     1.Восстановить электрический заряд в клетке организма человека.                                                                2.Обеспечить жидкую среду организма электрически насыщенными электролитными свойствами, как у автомобильного аккумулятора.                                                                                        3.Восстановить функции нервной, сосудистой, кроветворной, эндокринной, лимфатической и иммунной систем.                                                                                                                                                         4.Запустить механизм деления Собственных Стволовых Клеток, дать им возможность перемещения по кровеносным сосудам к больным органам и системам.                                                                                              Для процесса лечения, перемещения собственных стволовых клеток создана специальная медицинская техника:

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