April 19, 2024




6 min read



International University of Fundamental Education

Intergovernmental Higher Academic Council





Author of the Invention: Alexander Nikolaevich Ryazantsev (RU), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Psychology (IUFS-Oxford).

Date and place of birth: 12 October 1959, Tashkent, Uzbek SSR.

From 1976 to 1980, studied at the Kiev higher naval political school in Kiev. In 1994, he entered and successfully graduated from the faculty of psychology of Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg. In 2002 – 2006, was trained in the System-phenomenological approach of B. Hellinger, St. Petersburg. In 2014, became a full member of the European Association of Supervisors (Germany). In 2019, published the book “Life as a series of losses and acquisitions”, 118 p., “IPK Pareto-Print”. In the same year, he entered the doctoral program of the International University of Fundamental Education. As a result, the following work was prepared: Doctoral dissertation “Phenomenological integrated approach to counseling people who have experienced loss”, Saint Petersburg, 2019, 118 p., which was successfully defended in June 2019.




  1. Introductory part.

In recent years, the foundations of society have changed significantly. The speed of events has increased, and so has the speed of information transfer, the speed of change, and the speed of life processes. Modern society is filled with innovative technologies and requires a person’s mobility, loyalty, communication skills, flexibility and adaptability of the psyche. Not all individuals are able to perceive modern changes in society, and even more so, not all are able to respond flexibly to them. The gap in the world’s mentality, receptivity, and ability to adapt to modern technological breakthroughs between generations is becoming more and more noticeable.

The relevance of the problem, its theoretical and practical significance, as well as the lack of development in psychological practice of issues of psychological counseling and support for people in a state of grief, led to the choice of the topic, object, subject, purpose and objectives of the author’s research.

Tasks faced by the author of the technology:

  • to develop the concept of psychological support and principles of diagnostics of the rehabilitation process of experiencing a state of loss, in the acute and chronic phase;
  • on the basis of informative indicators after working with clients who are in the process of experiencing loss, to determine the prevailing emotional and mental processes, the quality of life of people in grief, including the analysis of their motivation, characterological properties of personality, reflecting intellectual, communicative, value-semantic and emotional-volitional qualities;
  • to justify the criteria, levels and components of psychological assistance and the possibility of socio-psychological rehabilitation of people in a state of grief;
  • to identify the structure and levels of expression of the main components of socio-psychological adaptation in the conditions of the labor collective;
  • based on a psychodiagnostic assessment of the rehabilitation potential of socialization of people in grief, to identify the influence of the environment, as well as to assess the relationship of the level of emotional instability with asocial and suicidal orientation;
  • to establish experimentally strategies, dependencies, patterns, structural components, levels and forms of socialization of a person experiencing chronic grief;
  • to substantiate psychological recommendations for improving the support system for people experiencing grief.

Since 2010, in the research process, more than 300 clients were observed with a request for low quality of life, conflict, unwillingness to do anything, loss of interest in developing relationships and creating or maintaining a family.

In the process of passing the programs and cycles of consultations under the author’s technology of A. N. Ryazantsev, a positive result was found in 75% of clients. Diagnostic criteria were: self-assessment, decision-making, volitional efforts in their execution, consistency in building the plans in accordance with decisions.

As a result of research, it can be concluded that the phenomenological integrated approach of A. N. Ryazantsev is the optimal method of personal and family counseling, especially during the period of experiencing loss.

In his technology, A. N. Ryazantsev relies on the postulates of the system-phenomenological approach of Bert Hellinger and the Gestalt approach of Frederick Perls. These methods of work in psychotherapy have certainly shown the importance of strong connections and the presence of a certain order in the ancestral systems of people, as well as the priority of human emotions and their motivational function over the mind in the life of each person and the ancestral system. Bert proved that maintaining order and hierarchy in the family allows to keep the flow of love between generations and save the participants of the system from emotional entanglements, substitutions, psychological trauma and transfers. As well as the repetition of tragic fates, destruction and termination of the system (genus). According to his ideas, which have proved their validity during 30 years of the method’s existence, the feelings that live in the system inevitably entail either its flourishing or its death. Every system tends to balance, as we know from other sciences, and the generic system is no exception. In order to maintain balance, the system transmits from generation to generation the genetic code – information – at the level of feelings, behavioral phenomena, which translates the laws of life for all participants in the system. These laws regulate such concepts as the relationship with the system of each of its participants, the exchange of “give and take” between them and the observance of hierarchy (order) within the system by each of its members.

What is the absolute merit of B. Hellinger: first of all, he summed up the understanding of the equilibrium of the system several important theoretical basic laws. The first is a connection or affiliation. All members of the family of the system belong to the system without any conditions and have the right to occupy the place that belongs to them from birth, regardless of their self-realization. The concept of system phenomenology was introduced by Bert Hellinger in his work on family formation. Some excerpts from the article “People are not as free as they think” from the Internet web-site (www.hellinger.com) indicate this.

“Each person comes from his own family, so he is connected with all its members by primary love. The unconscious instance, which can be called the conscience of the species (according to Jung, “the collective unconscious” and “the personal unconscious”), stands guard over the condition of the existence of the system under whose care we are, and which we serve. These conditions are: attachment, balance between what we give and what we receive, and order. For the modern family, these conditions are also relevant. Everyone in this system, even the dead, has the right to belong to it. If a member of the family is excluded, devalued, or forgotten (for example, a brother or sister who died early), the family’s conscience reacts by shifting the responsibilities of the absent member to another member, most often from the next generation, forcing them to copy their personality and fate.”

The primary love of the system determines the toughness of ties and the ability (strength) of the individual to break, break (change) this connection in their own fate. Hence, there is a lot of conditioned conflict in the system. A man and a woman meet to create a new family system, and the success of its development and the strength of the connection is due to the links with their previous parent systems. In his book I. Dykstra “Soul points the way”, technical editor (work and editing of the translated text and publication of the book) which is A. Ryazantsev, writes: “Observations of many processes of family arrangement have shown that if the fate of the family is difficult, it affects children as well. Figuratively, this can be represented as follows: if the grandparents and great-grandparents of children had a hard time, then the parents ‘ view is not directed forward, where the children are, but back, where the fate of generations is being played, since their problems are probably not resolved and the fates are still in effect. In the hierarchy, grandparents and grandparents must, as a source of strength, stand behind their parents, that is, parents leave the fate of their forefathers behind in the literal sense of the word. Life comes from the depths of time from the progenitors and is passed on, forward, into the present and future. But many adults in their deep attachment look back at the fate of their parents and unconsciously adopt something from them or stand on the side of one of the parents. Thus, they lack some of their power, which they need to pass on to their own children.”

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