November 4, 2024



IUFS – Intergovernmental Higher Academic Council

2 min read

International University of Fundamental Studies

Intergovernmental Higher Academic Council


The International University of Fundamental Studies (IUFS) was established in 1998 in St. Petersburg (Russia), by Sri-Lankan Shanti P. Jayasekara. The IUFS is a Scientific and Research University. This is the first and only University in the World constantly acting and qualifying complex scientific and research that is multifunctional in its aims and objectives. Under the IUFS exists Intergovernmental Higher Academic Council (IHAC) that graduates after defenses of dissertations unique International specialists in different fields and in different areas of significant scientific activities.

The principal structure of the IUFS Management is: the Rector, Administration, and Secretariat.

The IUFS as the International University deals with the internationally significant issues; representing IUFS Scientists who have international authority; The IUFS prepares international scientific and management personnel along with various activities of the IUFS that have international theoretical and practical importance. As a University the IUFS is really universal; it covers almost all Sciences and areas of activity that have Scientific importance.

The IUFS is truly a Fundamental University in its nature, as the fundamental basis of its all multi-faceted activity is a fundamentally new “philosophy of interaction (“bializm’)”, in reality overcoming a one-sided character of all previous philosophical concepts such as materialism, idealism, dualism, agnosticism.

The IUFS is a University of a special type and level. It is not engaged in teaching in the traditional sense, however it teaches, and trains those already demonstrating themselves as experts with higher education to further highly professional scientific research and science that is meaningful.

Study – means training by a method and the way of Scientific Research and Science that is meaningful by way of its activities.

All experts from around the world are tested by the Intergovernmental Higher Academic Council IHAC under the IUFS authorities.

Both the IUFS and IHAC under IUFS have been granted an accreditation of the Oxford Educational Network and the International Parliament for Safety and Peace, the New Union of Nations and the Intergovernmental Union of States, which gives to IUFS and IHAC under the IUFS the full right, which corresponds to the Vienna Convention (1961, 1963), to award applicants from different countries of the World International Degrees of Bachelor, Master, Doctor and Grand-Doctors as well as the International Scientific Titles of Professor and Full Professor. These Titles and Degrees are recognized in more than 150 countries.

Essentially IUFS represents International Baccalaureate, Magistracy and Doctoral studies.

The IHAC under IUFS awards International Academic Degrees of Doctor and Grand-Doctor of Philosophy to outstanding social, political, cultural and public figures who have made significant contribution to the development of the World Science and Culture, and to the strengthening of safety and peace on our planet.




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